In October 2020, SAMHSA/FEMA awarded Integral Care $1, $1,151,769 to provide Crisis Counseling Program – Regular Services Program (CCP-RSP) services to individuals who have been affected by COVID-19. The CCP grants funding to state agencies across the country for mental health services after a presidential disaster declaration. Texas Health and Human Services administers our state CCP program, “Texans Recovering Together.” Funding will allow Integral Care to continue providing CCP-RSP supports and interventions to Travis County residents – including individuals who have been identified as high-risk for complications from COVID-19 and are temporarily residing at local protective facilities – for a period of nine months.
Integral Care was previously awarded funding for the CCP Immediate Services Program (ISP) in spring 2020. Through CCP, Integral Care delivers primary services such as outreach, individual counseling, public education, individual education, trauma supports, referrals, and linkage. The majority of these primary services are delivered via telephone and videoconferencing, with some services available in person as needed. Integral Care also helped develop the statewide media campaign to promote the program and currently offers public education on available CCP supports through local media and social media outreach.