On Saturday, July 16th, 2022, 988 – an extension of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – launched nationwide. This 3-digit number makes it easier for people to reach out for help via phone, text or chat. Integral Care answers calls placed to 988 and has been part of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline network since 2012. In addition to Travis County, we take 988 calls for 76 counties in Texas. When someone calls from an area code covered by Integral Care, that call rolls to our 24/7 Helpline. Our compassionate team of mental health professionals provides immediate emotional support. If the caller is not in Travis County and needs additional care, we connect them to mental health resources local to them.
988 is an essential step toward increasing access to timely suicide prevention, crisis services and mental health care, as well as reducing the stigma surrounding mental health issues. On launch day, our incredible team answered nearly double the call volume. Claire, QMHP, Hotline, had this early feedback:
“Just now received a call through 988 and she said that calling saved her life last Friday! Great work everyone, that is a real-life reminder that this line really matters to people.”
When you think about the fact that 90% of calls are resolved on the phone, it really shows the impact of their critical work. They are truly providing life-changing support.
Racial Equity Assessment
Integral Care remains committed to eradicating institutional racism and structural inequities. Our work has included the creation of a Board/Staff Ad Hoc Committee on Racial Equity and the development of a Racial Equity Plan, which resulted in a commitment to embed racial equity into our strategic planning going forward.
In FY2022, Smith Research & Consulting LLC completed a Racial Equity Assessment of Integral Care. The consultants examined racial equity across Integral Care’s services, policies and procedures, environment, workforce, and communications. Client access to services, including preferred language, and overall public perception of the agency were also reviewed. We learned that more had to be done to support our staff and offer more equitable service provision for clients of color.
“The completion of a racial equity assessment was a vital step in moving our agency’s racial equity plan forward. Only by critically examining our policies and procedures can we begin to dismantle practices that result in inequitable outcomes for both our staff and those we serve. This assessment provided us with relevant feedback and actionable steps we can take on our journey to becoming an anti-racist organization.” – Ruth Ahearn, Practice Administrator- Housing and Health Care for the Homeless Initiatives, Chair – Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Council
To deliver quality health care to all, organizations like ours must act instead of react. Our work to end institutional racism and support people of all identities will remain constant as we continue to build racial and health equity agency wide.
Job Squad
Our Job Squad follows the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model of supported employment, a person-centered, evidence-based practice that helps people with serious mental illness find work related to their preferences. This program is a part of our wraparound approach, which aims to serve the whole person. The Job Squad collaborates with clients’ treatment team to assist clients seeking employment with job readiness, offers resume assistance and helps finding and maintaining employment. Our team works with a network of over 60 local employers, including Ascension-Dell Medical Center, Cap Metro, Wheatsville Co-Op, Whole Foods and more. In FY2022, our Job Squad helped connect 126 clients to employment. The average IPS employment rate is 41% – in FY2022, our team achieved a 60% employment rate.
“The skills we share with our clients not only help them secure employment but also improve their daily lives. Witnessing the positive impact we have on our clients is what makes our work at The Job Squad so exciting.” – LaToya Kindred Ray, Supported Employment Manager
Take a Break for Your Mental Health
In response to the pandemic’s ongoing emotional impact, Integral Care launched “Take a Break for your Mental Health,” a self-care campaign to support the mental health of the community. This campaign encouraged people to take time for their mental health through research-based activities that elevate mood, reduce stress, and reduce anxiety – simple acts like taking a walk, watching something funny, listening to a favorite song or taking a few deep breaths.
Using grant funds from HHSC, we blanketed the community with important reminders of self-care in English, Spanish, Chinese and Vietnamese. We utilized social media ads and magnets. The message of self-care then made its way through the streets of Austin on 25 Cap Metro buses. The campaign also featured TV and radio PSAs in English and Spanish that aired on FOX, CBS, Univision, Telemundo, K-ROX and KGSR and newspaper ads in Community Impact, Austin Chronicle, El Mundo and The Villager.
We are grateful to the many organizations that supported our self-care campaign efforts across local non-profits, school districts, first responders, and local and state government. Together, we made 140,000 impressions on social media and distributed over 20,000 magnets across the community reminding people to take a break for their mental health.
911 Call Center
Integral Care clinicians are on the 911 Call Center Floor 24/7 answering mental health calls with a goal of diverting unnecessary law enforcement involvement. 60 Minutes featured the work Integral Care and the Austin Police Department are doing to help ensure people experiencing a mental health crisis get the right care at the right time. Their report examined how American cities can reimagine police departments, with Austin as a leading example.
“I didn’t know what was going to happen calling 911. The clinician was so knowledgeable, and I felt like I had someone there, right there with me. I don’t know what I would’ve done without her. She was the calm in the storm, guiding my entire family through the most chaotic and emotional day. That call is what got my daughter to go for psychiatric treatment voluntarily.” – 911 Call Center Caller
In FY2022, our 911 Call Center clinicians diverted 80.66% of eligible calls away from police response.
The Outpatient Biopsychosocial Approach for IDD
The Outpatient Biopsychosocial Approach for IDD (OBI) services pilot program received an additional year of funding after showing encouraging results. This program provides outpatient mental health services for people living with both IDD and mental illness who also have frequent encounters with emergency services.
National Committee for Quality Assurance
Our IDD Service Coordination program passed the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) survey and achieved its highest accreditation status: Case Management Accreditation – 3 years. The NCQA seal symbolizes that an organization has met the rigorous compliance standards and reviews NCQA requires.
Ad Hoc Housing Plan
In July 2022, we launched our Ad Hoc Housing Plan, which shares how we address the housing needs of our clients, explores how we work with community stakeholders to develop plans and put them into action, outlines our current and projected housing footprint through 2025 and makes recommendations for the future.
Bridge to Recovery
Bridge to Recovery, a community partnership between the Sobering Center and Integral Care, launched in November 2021. It is designed to ensure continuity of care and bridge service gaps for those seeking substance use disorder treatment. This program connects Sobering Center clients who may be unhoused, in need of additional support around substance use or mental health care to Integral Care. We then connect them with the services they need. In FY22, Bridge to Recovery connected 36 people to services.
Overdose Prevention & Narcan Distribution Protocol
This new protocol was launched in FY22 and requires all nursing staff be trained in overdose prevention. As part of this effort, we purchased 372 Narcan kits, which allow programs to request Narcan for distribution to clients in clinics, the community and residential programs, and distributed 220 Narcan kits throughout the agency.
School-Based Program Family Partner
We added a Family Partner to our School-Based Counseling program in February 2022, who has been instrumental in supporting families. The Family Partner provides an array of supports, including helping families access resources, such as TANF funds, which help families pay for food, clothing, housing and other essentials, information about services, trainings, community support systems, peer mentors and more. From February 2022 to August 2022, our Family Partner served 43 unduplicated clients.
Lone Star Circle of Care
We welcomed Lone Star Circle of Care to our 3000 Oak Springs Clinic in February 2022, where they provide primary care. Now, clients can receive counseling and case management, behavioral health care, drug and alcohol treatment, exercise and nutrition programs, employment services, assistance accessing benefits, and medication management and support, and primary care all in one location. This collaboration supports our approach to integrated mental and primary health care. Together, we support the whole person – body and mind.
Take a tour of our permanent supportive housing community with Integral Care housing experts. One man shows us how having a home has not only improved his health and well-being – it’s changed his life.
“I am eternally grateful for the incredible response exhibited by Integral Care on so many fronts including the 988 launch and your tremendous support to the people you served throughout the pandemic. You and your team members represent the unsung heroes who are committed to showing up each day to conquer impossible challenges.” – Sonja Gaines, Deputy Executive Commissioner, Texas HHS
“We’ve made great strides in the area of substance use treatment. We can support someone in a way that empowers them to be successful out in the community. We can look at substance use disorders and treat them in the same way that we could treat diabetes or another chronic medical condition.” – David West, Associate Director of Integrated Systems of Care
“We helped a client move into her own apartment after being houseless for a long time. Our team also connected her to crisis services for help on multiple occasions. It’s wonderful to see how different parts of our agency work together to help support our clients during difficult times in their life.”
– Emily Johnston, C.A.R.E. Program Manager
“The thing that I like most about working with patients who struggle with addiction and specifically opioid addiction is that the types of transformations patients can make is dramatic. My job is just to support, to be in the corner of my patients and support their goals, collaborating with them, to move forward with their care.” – Dr. Leif Fenno, Psychiatrist
“Over the past few years, we have seen how important it is to care for our mental health. I’m hoping that collaborations like 988 will help to destigmatize the ability to ask for help when our mental health struggles, because we all go through difficult times.” – Nicole Warren, Practice Manager for the Helpline and Crisis Line
Travis County Residents Served
Staff in Austin/Travis County
55 Years
of Proud Service to Our Community
In FY22, Integral Care was awarded $9,373,638 in grant funding through a Request for Proposal process (RFP). These funds do not include funds received through Integral Care’s Interlocal Agreement. In FY2022, grant funding awarded included multiyear contracts, one-year awards, and subcontracts with collaborators in the community – to expand existing programs. These include primary care services, mental health first aid, training, housing, community-based mental health care, tenant stability, substance use treatment and more.
Austin Community Foundation | $5,700 | Client assistance for individuals transitioning into housing. |
Austin Public Health | $362,273 | Ryan White Part A HIV services |
Austin Public Health | $124,697 | Behavioral Health Issue Area; Community Health Worker |
Austin Public Health – Homeless Housing Stabilization | $562,180 | Tenant Stability |
Austin Public Health – Homeless Housing Stabilization | $726,350 | Terrace at Oak Springs |
Austin Public Health – Homeless Supportive Service | $100,000 | Add Community First Village SOAR specialists to provide clients who may be eligible and wish to apply for Supplemental Security Income/Social Security Disability Income, Medicaid, Patient Assistance Program, Affordable Care Act plans, and other healthcare benefits. |
Austin Publich Health–Housing First ACT | $381,158 | Housing First ACT |
Episcopal Health Foundation | $544,727 | Expansion of Primary Care Services + Community Health Workers. Total award: $1,089,454 for 2 years. |
HHSC Housing Stability | $320,831 | Short Term/Long Term Rental assistance per year |
HUD Fresh Start | $482,964 | PSH Program |
Humana | $50,000 | Terrace at Oak Springs food pantry & food delivery service |
Religious Coalition to Assist the Homeless | $10,000 | PSH wraparound services |
SAMHSA | $2,500,000 | Community Mental Health Centers (CMHC); Total award: $5,000,000 for 2 years. |
SAMHSA | $125,000 | Mental Health Awareness Training Grants (MHAT). Total award: $625,000 for 5 years. |
SAMHSA – Clinical High Risk for Psychosis (CHR-P) | $400,000 | Community Programs for Outreach and Intervention with Youth and Young Adults at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis. Total Award: $1.6 M for up to 4 years |
St. David’s Foundation | $317,667 | Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training in Travis, Williamson, Bastrop, and Caldwell Counties. Total award: $635,334 for 2 years. |
Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities | $7,000 | Speaker stipends for Central Texas African American Family Support Conference |
Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) | $778,907 | Housing Stability Services |
Texas Health and Human Services Commission | $77,664 | Children’s Mental Health System Navigator. Total award $155,329 for 2 years. |
Travis County | $1,496,520 | ACT Expansion Team per year |
Philanthropic Funds
While federal, state, and local grants and contracts fund the majority of Integral Care’s programs, donations enable us to address system gaps, respond to public health crises, and provide additional support to build our clients’ whole health. With the support of our generous donors, Integral Care raised $191,335 to bridge those gaps in FY2022.
- Heather & Paul Dennison
- Joan & Kurt Wade
- Mary & Howard Yancy
- AlertMedia
- Ellen & David Lake
- Adam Reinking
- Aaron & Margaret Von Flatern
- FVF Law
- Husch Blackwell, LLP
- Gary Daniel
- Scott & Susan Hector
- Sarah Churchill Llamas
- Dr. Tom S. McHorse
- John & Suzanne Rosato
- Gjerset & Lorenz LLP
- Popp Hutcheson, PLLC
- Superior HealthPlan, Inc.
- Cindy & Greg Abell
- Patricia Young Brown
- Caitlin Corkill
- David & Debra Evans
- Nickie & Eric Froiland
- Darin & Jamie Gray
- Rachel Gunner & Morrie Schulman
- David Karhi
- Marsh Lavenue
- Paul Leeke
- Chris Mattsson
- Jill & John McFarland
- Barbara Morris-Blake & Jeff Heckler
- Tess Peters
- Paul Rathouz
- Bill & Kathy Robbins
- Stephen Strakowski, MD
- David Weden
- Thomas & Kaye Young
- Austin Regional Clinic
- Entrepreneur Foundation
- Loewy Law Firm
- Tejas Behavioral Health Management
- Patricia Albright
- Susan & Thomas Ardis
- Kellie Bailey
- Rosalie Boldin
- Gordon Cook
- Meredith Davenport
- Sara & David Dimston
- Charlie & Christina Gomer
- Jean & Mike Haggerty
- Clarke & Catherine Heidrick
- Frank Hoffman & Jacqueline Fox
- Lisa Holzgrafe
- Brian Humphrey
- Dennis Hutchison
- Debra & Eric James
- Chris Mann
- Lisa & Mark McCrimmon
- Edward McHorse
- Michael Metcalf
- Jeff Newport
- Dennis Northington
- Cliff & Lee Ann Omo
- Maura Powers & Scott McCown
- Marc Rindner & Younjee Kim
- Eddie Safady
- Luanne Southern
- Hillary & Robert Summers
- Katherine & Mark Voges
- Apple Matching Gift Program
- Cornelius Family Foundation
- Frost Insurance
- Nintendo/Retro Studios Matching
- Texas Perinatal Group Practitioners
- University Federal Credit Union
- Uplift Ministry, University Presbyterian Church
- Michelle Bisson
- Cynthia Brown & Robert Bass
- Rev. Horace Edward Calahan
- Jess Chapin & Laurie Eiserloh
- Gilbert Davila & Danny Ferran
- Noelle Davis
- Eva De Luna Castro
- Kelley Cooper McClure
- Melanie Engerski
- Sarah Garza
- Stefan Giroux
- Brian Haegelin
- Emmitt Hayes, Jr.
- Jessica Hennessey
- Jane Hilfer
- Shelly Hohmann
- Richard Hopkins
- Harrison Katz
- Joel & Lucy Katz
- Morgan Katz
- Mary Alice Kuykendall
- Brett Laine
- Louise Lynch
- Anthony Masaryk
- Michel McCabe-Hughes
- Laraine McIntyre
- Nancy Trager Neavel Family
- Charles Nemeroff
- John Nguyen
- Deborah Rosales-Elkins
- Noelle Salerno
- Louisa & David Stegmann
- Katherine Wells
- Tom Wise
- Azul Mule, LP
- Indeed Matching Gift
- Barbara Aaby
- Barbara Anderson-Carr
- Michelle “Missy” Apodaca
- Rona Baizer
- Jennifer Baum
- Francelle Bettinger
- Vicky Blackman
- Deb Cardinal
- Marian Casey
- Bennya A. Chandler
- Michael Churgin
- Ann Dillon
- Diana Dobson
- Mary Dodd
- Michael & Deborah Edmonds
- Robert & Amy Ehrlich
- Angella Emmett
- Carol Faget
- Bobbie & Bruce Fielden
- Fugina Family
- Kathryn Garia
- Nadia Gartner
- Pete Gasper & Laurie Smith
- Denise Goldstein
- Juli & Bob Harrison
- Robin Helfner
- Hadley Hempel
- Toni Inglis
- Jessica Jameson
- Dorothy Kampf
- Jonathan Kerls
- Joseph Kobell
- John Lee
- Bo Linnartz
- Caitlyn Macaluso
- Timothy Malpass
- Rossie Manning
- Dee Dee & Steve McKee
- Matthew Meiners
- Martha & Thomas O’Meara
- Lynn O’Neill
- Melanie Pearce
- Zahra Petri
- Ellen Richards
- Wanda Riedel & Rick Sdao
- Paula & Jim Rieker
- Sandra Rivera
- Robert Ruckman
- Catlin Rutherford
- Cheryl Sabin
- Betsey Shiner
- Alison Smiley
- Jada Smith
- Stacy Spencer
- Karen & Roy Spezia
- David Springer
- Jay Stanford
- Robert Stewart
- Ann & Randy Teich
- Margaret Temple
- The Tipton Family
- J.D. Trueblood
- Nancy Werling
- Suzanne Whatley
- Diane Willis & Ken Weigand
- Stay Local Austin
- Opal Adams
- Debbie Alves
- Melissa Bage
- Allen Bayer
- Annie Bennett
- Barbara Bittner
- Anna Boyet
- Robert & Susan Boykin
- Maura Brady
- Nathan Brintnall
- Kathy Burchfield
- Tammy Busfield
- Patricia Carr
- Elizabeth Conti
- Jeffrey Cross
- Brian Cuthbertson
- Curt Daniel
- Michelle Dean
- Martin Dick
- Audrey Dieguez
- Delano Dobbs
- Martha Dodds
- Doni Dotson
- Jodie Eldridge
- Ellen Fagan
- Sandra Fantetti
- Seth & Lisa Feder
- Fatemeh Ghazban
- Nicole Golden
- Suzanne Gonzalez
- Sharon Guenther
- Henry & Sandra Hanna
- Charlotte Haro
- Marilyn Hartman
- Russell Herman
- Cammi Heuser
- Monique Hodges
- Kate Horonzy
- Darlene Huebner
- Roderick Hunt
- Global Impact
- Natalie Jardine
- Rebecca Jones
- Brian Joseph
- Paul Jumonville
- Pam Kessel
- Colleen Klein
- Tania L.
- Stephane Lambour
- Ashley Lauretta
- Melanie Leatherwood
- Sarah Leslie
- Kimberly Lin
- Hon. Nancy Hohengarten
- Matt & Karen Mahoney
- Billie Martin
- Thomas McClure
- Charlene McDougall
- Elizabeth McGary
- Dave McGuire
- Cindy Mingea
- Paul Moomaw
- Elsa Morales
- Martin Moreno
- Julia Null Smith
- Dwight K. Haenning
- David Olivenbaum
- Christine Oyler
- Samantha Parsons
- Karen Peoples
- Cathy Post
- Ralph McBride Randall
- Kristen Reynolds
- Tina Robinson
- Jackie Rutherford
- Alicia Saenz
- David & Samantha Schupp
- Ollie J. Seay, Ph.D.
- Kristi Anne Shaer
- David & Marcia Singleton
- Wendy Smiley
- Kathy & Esthel Smith
- Bill Smith
- Allison Stenson
- Richard & Mary Stone
- Megan Street
- Sabitha Sudarshan
- Erika Swanner
- Carol Townsend
- Tessy Vasquez
- Stacy Vega
- Brittany Wagener Scarff
- Jane Wetzel
- Amelia Whitman Weisbuch
- Ryan Wilhm
- Judith Yudof
- PayPal Giving Fund
2Dine4 Catering
Integral Care Foundation
The Integral Care Foundation owns 7 HUD housing communities that provide housing for 86 individuals.