

精神健康急救 (MHFA) 教您辨别、理解和应对成人精神健康问题、精神健康危机或物质使用问题的迹象。MHFA 能拯救生命,如同心肺复苏术或物理急救。我们根据具体兴趣领域提供定制培训。点击此处查看提供的各种培训。


至今为止,全国超过 260 万人已接受了 MHFA 培训。综合护理 (Integral Care) 于 2006 年开始向社区提供 MHFA。我们已在德克萨斯州中部培训了 14,000 多人,其中包括国会工作人员、奥斯汀市的代表、奥斯汀/特拉维斯县卫生和人类服务部、德克萨斯大学、奥斯汀社区学院、休斯顿蒂罗森大学、前台阶 (Front Steps)、 德克萨斯州亲善产业 (Goodwill Industries of Texas)、奥斯汀艾滋病服务处 (AIDS Service of Austin)、流动面包和鱼 (Mobile Loaves and Fishes) 等。


我们的孩子需要精神健康支持。越来越多的青年出现抑郁症、焦虑症和自杀的念头。综合护理 (Integral Care) 和特拉维斯县正通过提供免费的青年精神健康急救 (MHFA) 培训满足这个紧急需求。


从 2010 年起,超过 16,800 名社区成员接受了综合护理 (Integral Care) 提供的精神健康急救员培训,其中超过 3,600 人在青年 MHFA 接受培训。我们的目标是再为 2,000 名社区成员提供青年精神健康急救培训!


现在就在 Eventbrite 注册,确保您占位。让我们一起创造积极影响。

    • 精神疾病很普遍,大约 1/5 的成人会患上精神疾病。
    • 50% 的精神健康问题在 14 岁前就能发现

    谁应该接受 MHFA

    任何人!MHFA 为人们提供工具,帮助朋友、家人、同事和社区成员。它回答了关键问题,如“我该做什么?”和“去哪寻求帮助?”


    我将在 MHFA 学到什么?

    • 精神疾病的警示信号、症状和风险因素
    • 有关抑郁症、焦虑症、精神创伤、精神病、自杀和物质使用障碍的信息
    • 5 步行动计划,帮助有精神疾病迹象或可能陷入精神健康危机的人
    • 专业和自助资源

MHFA 培训有多种类型。


  • 成人 MHFA 培训以英语和西班牙语开展,适合人们学习如何帮助出现精神疾病、和/或物质使用障碍或经历精神健康危机迹象的人。
  • 青年 MHFA 面向所有与 12-18 岁青年和年轻成人打交道的人,这些人可能处于精神健康问题、物质使用障碍或精神健康危机的早期。 培训师会审查这一年龄群体的风险因素和警示信号。培训强调早期干预的重要性。
  • 退伍军人、现役军人及其家属 MHFA 专为家庭成员以及任何与退伍军人、现役军人及其家属打交道的人定制。 培训着重关注这一群体的独特经历和需求。
  • 公共安全 MHFA 专为警察、第一响应者、惩戒人员和其他公共安全受众定制。 培训为他们提供了更多的应对选择,帮助他们降低事件的严重性并更好地理解与精神健康有关的呼声。
  • 高等教育 MHFA 专为学院或大学环境中的任何人定制。 培训师培训学生、教职员工和其他人辨别新兴精神疾病和/或物质使用障碍的迹象,或帮助处于精神健康危机中的年轻成人。培训强调早期干预的重要性。

MHFA 是健康计划的重大补充。它可为管理者和员工提供所需的工具,实现相互支持,辨别精神健康危机和物质使用问题的迹象。正如同您为员工提供身体健康计划,精神健康计划也同样重要。



  • 察觉物质使用和精神健康问题的迹象和症状
  • 引导有关精神健康或物质使用问题的对话
  • 了解康复的可能性以及如何支持实现康复
  • 解决工作场所的心理健康污名化问题
  • 安全与隐私原则
  • 培养减轻职业倦怠的弹性和策略
  • 强化有关的员工资源小组、员工福利和人力资源计划

谁应该接受 MHFA

  • 人力资源与福利合作伙伴
  • 高层领导与一线管理者
  • 临床和保健工作者
  • 致力于员工参与、团队建设和弹性的全体员工

如果您需要将 MHFA 培训引入您的机构,请联系mhfa@integralcare.org 或者
(737) 263-3352。


服兵役对有关人员(现役军人及其家属)影响深远。许多人经历过创伤后应激障碍 (PTSD)、重度抑郁症和物质使用障碍。但只有不到一半的人接受过任何精神健康护理。可悲的是,我国每天有 20 名退伍军人自杀。您可以改变他们的生活。这项免费培训重点关注军事文化,以及现役军人及其家属面临的具体风险因素。您将学习到 5 步行动计划,帮助出现精神疾病、物质使用障碍或精神健康危机迹象的人。点击下方注册。


  • 哥伦比亚自杀严重程度评定量表 (C-SSRS) – 了解如何提出正确的问题,辨别各年龄段的高危自杀人群。
  • 与获取致命手段有关的咨询 (CALM)–减少获取如枪支等致命手段的机会,可以挽救有自杀风险的人的性命。了解如何与退伍军人、现役军人及其家属合作,减少获取致命手段的途径。
  • 安全规划干预 (SPI) – 学习如何为退伍军人、现役军人、其家属和/或照顾者制定有效的安全计划。



For more information on hosting an MHFA training or to request special accommodations, please contact mhfa@integralcare.org or call us at (737) 263-3352.

The State of Texas HHSC MHFA grant allows us to offer free MHFA trainings to educators, faculty and staff (K – 12th grades and institutes of higher education).


  • Testimonials MHFA

    “Mental Health First Aid is the brain-health equivalent of learning CPR. It offers valuable lessons that will help us respond better to folks experiencing a mental health crisis. I appreciate the thoughtful and compassionate expertise that the Integral Care professionals brought to the training and would encourage other community organizations to take advantage of this opportunity.”


    – Senator Kirk Watson

  • Testimonials MHFA

    “I have used the training a LOT with my youth ministry at church. I had one parent mention that her daughter had been withdrawn. When I talked to her daughter, she seemed to be having thoughts about suicide. Because of the class, I was brave enough to ask those tough question. Are you thinking about hurting yourself? She said yes and, because of the amazing resources shared in the training, I was able to get her and her mom linked to Integral Care.”


    – UT School of Nursing Professor

  • Testimonials MHFA

    “It was awesome to learn about the different mental illnesses. Mental Health First Aid gave me great information on how to spot situations where you can intervene and suggest help to someone. The resources were amazing.”


    – Travis County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Officer

  • Testimonials MHFA

    “Mental Health First Aid helped me understand facts and dispelled some myths I believed. I feel better equipped to recognize the signs of a mental health issue and how to get someone whatever professional help they may need.”


    – Texas Capitol Staffer

  • Testimonials MHFA

    “I recommend this class for everybody. Everybody needs to learn that just because a person is acting a certain way, they’re not trying to act that way toward you. It’s just the way their mental health is or what is happening in their life at that time. My son has ADHD and this has helped me recognize when he might be having anxiety or feeling depressed.”


    – City of Austin Employee

  • Testimonials MHFA

    “Mental health disorders have played a big role in my life, affecting several of my friends who I have attempted to help in the past. I took this training to help protect people I love and protect my future patients.”


    – UT Nursing Student

  • Testimonials MHFA

    “Having the skills to recognize a mental health need is greatly useful. My goal is to obtain a social workers degree. The Mental Health First Aid Class really inspired me to reach for that goal in my life.”


    – Travis County Inmate

St. Davids Foundation
Bluebonnet Trails

St. David’s Foundation has graciously awarded Integral Care a Healthy Minds Grant to expand our general MHFA program for both Adults and Youth. Their generosity allows us to provide even more Travis County residents the tools they need to support someone having a mental health crisis or showing signs of mental illness. Integral Care is also partnering with Bluebonnet Trails Community Services to increase access to this potentially life-saving training in the Williamson County area.

Ask Listen Talk Repeat website logo with the tagline Supporting our kids mental healthMental health impacts all of us. It’s important to know that mental health conditions are common, treatable and help is available. Supporting the mental health of our children and youth starts with a conversation – Ask, Listen, Talk, Repeat. Visit AskListenTalk.org for tools you need to start the conversation – including some fun ways to connect. Know when someone needs help, where to find help and how to take care of yourself along the way.
