Types of Therapy
There are many types of therapy that may be helpful for children. Therapy can help with stress, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, severe mental illness and more.
- Applied Behavioral Analysis is an early form of therapy for children with autism. It focuses on rewarding positive behaviors to increase their frequency. It teaches behaviors in real-life settings and addresses learning, self-management and communication.
- Child Centered Play Therapy (CCPT) lets children explore issues and process feelings using toys and the play environment, allowing them to lead their own healing. It can support healing and positive change, decrease negative behaviors, and improve overall functioning.
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) focuses on addressing the problems you are facing in the moment. Little time is spent thinking or talking about the past. It’s generally a short-term 12-week approach. Through daily homework you learn to identify and change your thinking and patterns of behavior that negatively impact on your life.
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) teaches practical skills to manage emotions, strengthen and maintain personal relationships, and increase patience for stressful times. Radical DBT is a type of therapy that helps people whose thinking is rigid and overly perfectionistic.
- Family Therapy’s goal is to understand the family’s interaction and communication styles. It is designed to provide support and education to help the family function more positively.
- Group Therapy uses group dynamics and peer interaction to improve skills and focus on specific behaviors depending on the group type. Sessions may be led by one or more therapists.
- Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) helps parents interact with their children and manage their behaviors. During a session, parents receive in-the-moment coaching from a therapist. PCIT can help improve the parent-child bond.