Integral Care ayuda a las personas a fomentar y fortalecer la salud y bienestar para que todos alcancen su potencial máximo.

Apoyamos a adultos y niños que viven con enfermedades mentales, trastorno del uso de sustancias, trastorno y discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo en el Condado de Travis. Nuestros servicios incluyen una línea de ayuda las 24 horas al día para cualquier persona que necesite ayuda inmediata, terapia continua para mejorar la salud mental, tratamiento para el uso de alcohol y drogas y vivienda para recuperar la salud y la independencia. Integral Care ayuda a proporcionar una base sólida para el bienestar general.


Clientes servidos en el Condado de Travis el año pasado


locales de servicios directos y equipos móviles


Presupuesto de operaciones

el año pasado

50 años

de servicio enorgullecedor

En su capacidad de autoridad local para la salud mental, discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo, Integral Care fortalece nuestra comunidad al apoyar a nuestro capital más valioso, nuestra gente, para alcanzar el bienestar. Integral Care ofrece cuidado de salud mental de alta calidad, coopera con los colaboradores de la comunidad para reforzar sus programas y sistemas y se empeña en aumentar consciencia de asuntos de salud mental en nuestra comunidad.

About Us Mission


Vida sana para todos


La misión de Integral Care es mejorar las vidas de personas afectadas por dificultades de salud mental, intelectuales o del desarrollo.

About Us Values


Integral Care se empeñará en mantener los valores centrales en cuanto a nuestra gente, integridad, excelencia y liderazgo.

La mayor fuerza de Integral Care es su gente —nuestros clientes, sus familias, nuestro personal y la comunidad. Promovemos una cultura basada en confianza, respeto, trabajar como equipo, comunicación, creatividad y colaboración en un ambiente que fomenta la igualdad de oportunidad para todos.

Integral Care cumple sus promesas y se responsabiliza de su rendimiento al esforzarse por un diálogo abierto y honesto con sus clientes y personal, mientras coopera dentro de y entre organizaciones para entregar los resultados más positivos. La comunicación transparente es esencial para la integridad.

Integral Care tiene un firme compromiso por la excelencia al proveer servicios empleando las mejores prácticas basadas en la experiencia de la manera más eficaz, oportuna, segura y colaborativa. Esto involucra el mejoramiento del rendimiento, servir con dignidad y respeto y exceder las expectativas de los interesados.

Integral Care enfrenta los retos intrépidamente por medio de promoción de la concientización pública y al fomentar el apoyo para una comunidad que satisface las necesidades de salud mental y de discapacidades del desarrollo intelectual de individuos y sus familias. Esto tiene estrecha relación con asegurar una política pública integral y enfocada en servir las necesidades del consumidor.

Perspectiva General

En 1963, el presidente Kennedy firmó el Acta de Salud Mental Comunitaria. El Acta fomentó el establecimiento de centros de salud mental comunitarios por todo el país – regresando así el cuidado de las personas que viven con padecimientos mentales a la comunidad y fuera de las instituciones. Integral Care, antes llamado Austin Travis County Mental Health Mental Retardation Center, se ha esforzado por cinco décadas para convertir esa visión audaz en realidad en el Condado de Travis.

Desde 1967, Integral Care ha apoyado la salud y el bienestar de los adultos y los niños que viven con enfermedades mentales, trastorno del consumo de sustancias y discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo. Integral Care fue el primer centro comunitario del centro de Texas en ofrecer servicios para la salud mental y para discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo basados en la comunidad para que las personas que buscan nuestros servicios puedan prosperar y alcanzar su pleno potencial.

En su capacidad de Autoridad de Discapacidades Intelectuales y de Salud Mental del Condado de Travis, Integral Care colabora con organizaciones locales para fortalecer la red comunitaria para el apoyo de la salud mental, ofrece asesoría a otras agencias de salud mental y continuamente lucha contra el estigma que rodea a las enfermedades mentales por toda la comunidad.

Integral Care tuvo su humilde principio en una sola clínica en la calle Red River y un edificio prefabricado al lado, donde teníamos nuestra clínica de metadona. Ahora tenemos más de 40 locales por todo el Condado de Travis.

Integral Care está aquí listo para satisfacer las necesidades del Condado de Travis por los siguientes 50 años y más.

Plan Estratégico

Al empezar un nuevo año fiscal en el que celebramos 50 años de proveer cuidado de calidad en el Condado de Travis, Integral Care también empezará a implementar un nuevo plan estratégico para los años fiscales de 2017 a 2019. El plan consta de tres principios fundamentales y guiará nuestro trabajo en los años venideros.

  • Excelencia en nuestras operaciones: Alcanzamos la excelencia y llevamos a cabo nuestra visión de una vida saludable para todos al partir de un fuerte fundamento.
  • Innovación: Tenemos que ofrecer servicios y programas innovadores para mejorar la salud de las personas que servimos.
  • Liderazgo en la Comunidad: Nos comprometemos a encabezar esfuerzos en nuestra comunidad para atender las necesidades de las personas con enfermedades mentales, trastorno del uso de sustancias y discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo.


La excelencia en nuestras operaciones se alcanza por medio de sistemas fuertes y sensibles, personal e infraestructura que apoyan nuestras iniciativas actuales y futuras.

  • Reforzar e invertir en mejoramientos de procesos y mejorar la responsabilidad operacional y la colaboración interna.
  • Invertir en y aprovechar la tecnología informática más moderna.
  • Reforzar sistemas, herramientas, capacitación y compensación para así poder reclutar y retener el mejor talento del mundo.
  • Asegurar nuestra viabilidad financiera a largo plazo.
  • Ofrecer instalaciones que sirvan las necesidades de la demografía cambiante de la comunidad y de los clientes futuros.


La mejora de los resultados de salud se logra por medio de la implementación de servicios de alta calidad y de innovación continua.

  • Aumentar el acceso a nuestros servicios.
  • Ofrecer servicios fundados en pruebas y prácticas prometedoras que cumplen o superan las normativas del sector.
  • Determinar la viabilidad y el potencial de sostenibilidad de la expansión a otras poblaciones y/o a otros tipos de servicios.
  • Aprovechar las colaboraciones para mejorar los resultados de salud.
  • Asegurar la prestación de una variedad de servicios innovadores y basados en pruebas que apoyen a las personas con discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo que viven en la comunidad.


Integral Care guía a la comunidad para asegurar el conocimiento de y participación en asuntos de salud mental y de discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo.

  • Hacer planes para las necesidades actuales y futuras de la comunidad.
  • Aumentar la conciencia, disminuir el estigma y promover acceso a los servicios a través de toda la comunidad.
  • Fomentar el apoyo de la misión y las iniciativas principales de Integral Care.


  • 1960’s

    Integral Care, founded as Austin-Travis County Mental Health Mental Retardation Center (ATCMHMR), begins providing services in Travis County.

  • 1970’s

    Freedom Connection, a methadone maintenance program for adults, starts. Partial Care, a short-term residential drug and alcohol treatment program, expands and..Read More

  • 1980’s

    Several new programs for adults and children living with mental illness, substance use disorder and intellectual and developmental disabilities open. Alameda..Read More

  • 1990’s

    East 2nd St. facility opens and offers behavioral health services to adults. The Nadine L. Jay facility opens and provides psychiatric..Read More

  • 2000’s

    The Central Texas African American Family Support Conference (CTAAFSC) begins, bringing together families, consumers and professionals. The conference aims to raise..Read More

  • 2010’s

    Central Health replaces the Austin Independent School District as an appointing agency after amending and restating the Articles of Organization. As..Read More

Integral Care’s nine-member volunteer Board of Trustees is appointed by Central Health, the City of Austin and Travis County. Each appoints three representatives to reflect the needs of our local community. The trustees are a diverse group with various professional backgrounds, bringing expertise in the areas of criminal justice, health care, management and rehabilitation services. The Board volunteers their time and skills by participating in regular meetings, training sessions and Integral Care functions. We thank them for their invaluable service. Click here to view a list of upcoming meetings.


Hal Katz
Appointed 2010
Katz is a partner at Husch Blackwell and is board-certified in healthcare law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. He focuses his representation on clients doing business within the healthcare industry. His clients include physicians, hospitals, provider networks, managed care organizations, governmental entities, diagnostic centers and other healthcare providers across the state of Texas. Representation of these clients includes advising on corporate, transactional, regulatory and public policy matters. Katz was Chair of the CommUnityCare board, where he served from 1998-2010, and is the Vice Chair of the Austin Arts Commission. Katz is also on the Integral Care Foundation Board of Directors.

Tom Young
Appointed 2010
Young has more than 40 years of experience in healthcare business and management. Most recently, he has worked as a private consultant with the Seton Healthcare Network, Austin Medical Education Programs and Covenant Management Systems. He has also held a variety of executive positions with Covenant Management Systems, Austin Regional Clinic, Travis County Medical Society and Brackenridge Hospital. Young began his career as a Lieutenant in the Medical Service Corps with the United States Navy. He served on Central Health’s Founding Board of Managers from 2004-2006. Young received his MBA from the University of Chicago Graduate School of Business and a B.A. in philosophy from Georgetown University.

Guadalupe Zamora, M.D.
Appointed 2014
Dr. Zamora has 24 years of experience as a practicing physician. When not on staff at St. David’s Medical Center, he works at his own family medicine clinic in East Austin alongside his niece, Dr. Belda Zamora. He has served as the past president, secretary, and treasurer of the Travis County Medical Society, and was formerly on the advisory board for the Medical Access Program (MAP), prior to the existence of Central Health. Most recently, he served as treasurer of Healthy ATX, a local organization that supports the improvement of the local healthcare system.

Robert T. Chapa, Jr.
Appointed 2004
Chapa serves as Integral Care’s representative for the Texas Council of Community Centers. He has worked for the Texas State Comptroller’s Office since 1975 and is responsible for managing the annual budget, preparing and submitting the agency’s biennial appropriations request and seven-year strategic plan to the legislature as the State Comptroller’s Office Budget Director and Chief Financial Officer. Chapa brings a broad range of invaluable skills and experience to Integral Care and other organizations including the Hispanic Committee on Scouting, where he has actively participated in fundraising initiatives that promote scouting in East Austin.

Exalton Delco, Ph.D.
Appointed 1994
Delco has served as a university administrator at The University of Texas at Austin in various capacities including adjunct professor of the Community College Leadership Program and Special Assistant to the Office of the President. He has more than 40 years of experience as a professor of biology and has been published in scientific academic journals and books. Delco is also a member of the Salvation Army Advisory Board and the Board of the Boy Scouts of America.


Richard Hopkins
Appointed 1993
Hopkins is the Director of Programs for the Texas Rehabilitation Commission and an active member of the National Rehabilitation and Texas Rehabilitation associations. A native of Mississippi, Hopkins provides expertise in the area of human resources and employee issue. He has worked tirelessly on behalf of many community organizations, among them the Austin Capital City Lions Club and the Austin Sickle Cell Anemia Associates. Hopkins has been instrumental in the creation and development of the Central Texas African American Family Support Conference, a free community event hosted by Integral Care. Hopkins is also on the Integral Care Foundation Board of Directors.

Matt Snapp, Ph.D.
Appointed 2008
Snapp is a Past President of Integral Care Foundation. He has been in private practice since 1980 specializing in individual, couples and group therapy for adolescents and adults. Snapp was Director of Counseling and Guidance and Director of Student Development for AISD and an Adjunct Associate Professor of Educational Psychology at The University of Texas at Austin. He is a co-founder of Organization Management Systems Global, a management-consulting firm, and has served as an advisor to the United States Treasury’s International Affairs Office.

Vincent Torres
Appointed 2011
Vincent Torres has been employed by The University of Texas at Austin since 1986 where he is the Associate Director of the Center for Energy & Environmental Resources. He has been active in the Austin community serving on over ten committees, has worked tirelessly on securing state legislation for victims of violent crime and has been a board member of the Austin Independent School District since 2006, yielding him countless volunteer awards. In 2003, the Texas Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers named Torres their Public Citizen of the Year. He attended the United States Naval Academy and graduated from The University of Texas at Austin with a Master of Science in Engineering. Torres is a San Antonio native and is married to Suzanne Torres. They have two children.

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Integral Care uses input from several committees and councils to help make sure we stay true to our mission, promote diversity, create policies and build an environment that best serves our clients.

Consumer Council

The Consumer Council is made up of people who currently receive services from Integral Care. The council receives information about Integral Care’s services, policies and procedures and discusses how they could impact current and future clients of the agency. The council also offers ideas to improve our services and helps hold Integral Care accountable to our mission. The Consumer Council meets quarterly on the second Tuesday of the month at 12:00 p.m. Meetings are a safe environment where people can openly share their thoughts about Integral Care.

If you’re interested in joining the council or would like additional information, email Click here to view meeting minutes.

Planning & Network Advisory Committee (PNAC)

PNAC is a volunteer committee selected by Integral Care’s Board of Trustees. The committee includes clients, family members, providers, and community members. PNAC provides feedback and support to Integral Care regarding our policies and services. Committee members receive information on current issues and policies, including provider network evaluation and development, and present their recommendations to the Board of Trustees. PNAC meets the second Thursday of every month at 12:00 p.m.

If you’re interested in joining the committee or would like additional information, email Click here to view meeting minutes.

Central Texas African American Family Support Conference Committee (CTAAFSC)

The CTAAFSC is an annual conference hosted and sponsored by Integral Care and other community partners. The conference is held every February and brings together families, consumers and professionals to increase access to care and decrease health disparities. The goal of the conference is to raise awareness of mental and physical health care services while reducing the stigma associated with mental illness. The CTAAFSC is planned and organized by a volunteer Planning Committee that meets on the third Wednesday of every month.

If you’re interesting in joining the Planning Committee or volunteering at the event, e-mail Learn more about the conference at

Integral Care Foundation (ICF), formerly New Milestones Foundation, was founded in 1983 by Judy Yudof, a former chair of Integral Care’s Board of Trustees. Yudof saw an opportunity to further support Integral Care’s programs by raising awareness and resources for mental health.

In its early days, ICF secured grant dollars from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to purchase housing for people living with mental illness that would be managed by Integral Care staff. Today, ICF hosts Bridging the Gap, an annual gala to support its mission and raise funds for Integral Care.

ICF also hosts Speakers Bureaus in the community to help reduce the stigma associated with mental illness as well as increase awareness about Integral Care’s programs and services. Funds raised by ICF help Integral Care support adults and children living with mental illness, substance use disorder and intellectual and developmental disabilities in Travis County.

For more information, visit or e-mail

Integral Care works with a variety of community partners to extend our work in providing innovative mental health care and services to Travis County residents. These vital partnerships enable us to meet the diverse needs of our growing population and respond to our community’s mental health needs.

Austin Police Department:

APD continues its mission to keep our community safe with strong commitment to neighborhood-based policing.

Central Health:

Central Health works with a network of partners to provide access to the high quality care everyone needs to get well and stay healthy.

City of Austin:

The City of Austin’s government has worked to serve its residents since the election of its first mayor in 1840.

Community Action Network:

Community Action Network is a partnership made up of government, nonprofit, private and faith-based organizations who work together to enhance the social, health, emotional and economic well-being of Central Texas.

Community Care Collaborative:

Community Care Collaborative is a nonprofit corporation established by Central Health and Seton to help implement the Texas 1115 Medicaid Waiver and an integrated healthcare delivery network for uninsured and underinsured individuals in Travis County.


Dell Medical School

Department of Housing and Urban Development

Department of Veterans Affairs

Downtown Austin Alliance

NAMI Austin

Integral Care Foundation

One Voice Central Texas

St. David’s Foundation

Texas Council of Community Centers

Texas Health and Human Services Commission

The University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School

Travis County

Travis County Sheriff’s Department
