In July 2021, SAMHSA awarded Integral Care $3,999,999 over two years to implement “Healthy Impacts through CCBHC,” which will expand access to a fully integrated system of care in order to improve the health status of Integral Care clients. The project follows the CCBHC model, which puts an emphasis on the provision of 24-hour crisis care, utilization of evidence-based practices, care coordination, and the advancement of the integration of behavioral health and physical health care.
The two-year expansion project, launching on August 31, will serve 500 unduplicated clients annually and will focus on adults and children living with serious mental illness, substance use disorders, serious emotional disturbances, co-occurring disorders, and/or other chronic medical conditions. These conditions are often intertwined, and data shows that more than 77% of Integral Care clients have multiple diagnoses. Moreover, the complexity and prevalence of co-occurring conditions are higher when stratified by economic conditions and race/ethnicity. To address disparities and improve health outcomes for the target population, Integral Care will prioritize connection to ongoing and equitable care.
Integral Care will measure success by tracking progress toward the following goals:
- Reduce the risk of suicide and self-harm among individuals discharging from inpatient psychiatric hospitalization by expanding and strengthening Integral Care’s 24/7 Help Line, Peer Recovery, and Mobile Crisis Outreach Teams (MCOT).
- Improve health outcomes by addressing social drivers of health and health disparities identified in the population of focus.
- Expand the availability of virtual care and telehealth services for individuals with medical, social or other barriers to care.
The project will be led by Integral Care’s Director of Practice Management – Accountable Care & 1115 Medicaid Waiver Projects and supported by a team of 27 staff from across Integral Care’s service divisions.